Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Chasing dreams

"Success is not a destination but a journey"

Yeah, right! But I wish it wasn't so. Any journey without a destination is endless; and I lost the track of time I have been on this clouded journey. Each step takes me farther into more doubts and struggles. I am at a point where I don't know how long I can keep up with this. I still remember the little kid who thought success was a crown he could wear with a proud grin. Now it's nothing more than a bandage for the wounds I hold.

"Failure isn't when you aim high and miss but when you aim low and hit"

I don't know what I was thinking when I quoted this in my diary, back in school days. Now I wish if I had a time machine to go back and slap some sense into the high-spirited kid who dreamt of conquering the whole world. Now I don't need any piece of this world, I just need some peace of mind. I am sure dreams are a leading cause of depression these days.

"When you are in hell keep moving if you don't want to be there"

Damn, I'm running like hell, or is it the highway to hell! Every milestone achieved turns into a doormat to the next hurdle to pass, the next mountain to climb, the next ocean to cross. Does this ever end, of course, I mean before I die? 

Yeah, I know "Life isn't easy, you have to keep working hard". I have heard that enough. I am not dreaming of happily ever after. All I dream now - no, not dream; I am done with that word - all I care now is for one day of peace before I am permanently invited to hell.

Writer - Dr. Yeswanth S Nambiar 

Artist - Dr. Nandini V S

PS. Sorry, this isn't an inspiring happy story.


  1. Guess the life is tough on everyone 😌

  2. This is so real and relatable... A true summary of every being that has commuted the journey of life as a child to an adult... Wonderful
