Sunday, October 18, 2020

Art of Magic ✨

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.

-Roald Dahl

Magic existed since the beginning of time, not just in the hands of witches and wizards but within everything living and non-living. Sapiens mastered it the most, leading a weak animal to dominate the whole world. Our first ancestors relied on it for survival. But in time, with amassed strength in number and power, magic was no longer necessary for them. What was once common and natural became rare and unnatural. For the generations that followed, it was a myth. The few of those who still had its last knowledge were chased or caged. But even if it was forgotten, it still exists everywhere. It manifests as art, talents, and skills. Most of us are oblivious to its presence. While some feel it and call it the 'will' or 'soul', a few believe in it as long as it serves their purpose. Very few see the sparks of its powers; they look at the world in a distinctive way.  I'm one of them, the clan of magicians who creates magic at the stroke of their magic wands. I can alter the emotions of others with my power. I can create alternate worlds for me to escape and take refuge. I can share my love, strength, and confidence with others in far off lands. I can take care as well as hurt others with magic. I still haven't explored the extent of my powers. My wand helps me channel my inner magic to the outer world. Only those who know the art of magic will be aware of my powers and my magic wand. For the rest of the world, I am just a random writer with a pen.

Dedicated to those who revealed magic to me

  •  Partner, who however far away, yet never apart.
  •  Family, bonded by an invisible bond, who never lets you fight alone.
  •  Friends, however hopeless life might be, but when around them they create a world of fun and hope around.
  •  Random lady who inspires me to write the most beautiful poem.
  •  An artist who paints to bring life to my thoughts.
  •  Person with whom I share the same dreamland. 
  •  Writer who helped me create a kingdom out of words.
  •  People who vanished from my life into thin air.
  •  People who appeared out of blue and changed my life for forever.

To an otherwise unnaturally normal life, thank you all for making it magical.

Writer - Dr. Yeswanth S Nambiar 

Artist - Dr. Nandini V S


  1. Ethereal and charming, the words and the visuals ♥️

  2. Wands(pen and pencil) did their job.....magical and wishes to both magicians❤❤❤
