Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Why do most tend to take the default settings?

When we are born, almost all the things are chosen by default from religion even some parents decide their kid's profession on the day of their birth. Then they grow up in a society where there are prefixed guidelines on how to live and how not to. Even in educational institutions Mugging up is encouraged while questioning is punished. Ideas and experiences of our forefathers should be taught while at the same time they should be trained to think, to find new answers. The worst way to live our life is by default, we should customize to make the most out of it.

Love, Its probably the most simple and sensible thing. But the society doesn't share my opinion at all, to them love is strange, it's complicated. They’ll probably agree if I say love is magical coz they don’t believe in magic either.
To them even love should be practiced in default.
And anything out of the default is unnatural. But what they should know is that love is meant to be unnatural, unconditional & unrealistic, its fucking unexplainable. It's like the big bang theory, where everything came out of explosion from nothing. Love is never available by default, it can only be customized. And if u ever find such in default conditions, then you can be sure it's a fake one.
Till date no one could define or explain love, all they could do was tell us how each felt it. Love, for every single being, its different in their own ways.
² love doesn’t always need to be towards living being, it could be for words like readers and writers, or for arts, sports, even science.
² love doesn't have to be just towards a single person, like parents who love all their kids alike.
² it doesn't need to be towards a single species or race or age or gender, like leaders, soldiers, and doctors who risk their lives for the love of humanity.
² Finally love could be even towards oneself, who find completeness and freedom in themselves and want to live on their own.

But all these, in reality, are the rarity in this society, I pity.

I have fallen in love with a woman, older than me in experience & age. She is beautiful from her smile to her passion, from her words to her thoughts, from her heart to her acts.
Do I know her well? No, I hardly do but I would love to learn.
Is it lust & sexual? No its admiration for the curves of her lips, not her hips.
Is to make her mine? No, she is a blazing flame of spirit, a furious wind of ambitions, a mountain of thoughts. I would like to have a closer look, just to feel such aspiring life not to capture & cage.

Then what do I actually need? the cup of coffee that I was offered :)

Dedicated to the Pretty Poet