Tuesday, March 27, 2018

And I listened to the sound

The musical sound of a guitar, I had to perfect just for the day to confess my love.
The humming winds on its adventure to distant lands.
The long beeps in the heart monitor that sends our hearts to fret.
The melodies I play from my cosy room in the dim lights.
The chirping crickets breaking the silence of dark nights.
The howl of a werewolf on the full moon in my favorite fictions.

The choo-choo sound of the trains that my little nephew loves to imitate.
The buzzing waves who never miss kissing his beach.
The resonant bells and chants at the temples soothing the mind.
The croaky frogs living around the stagnant ponds.
The longed final long bell in school to grab the bag and run home.
The sound of rain, nature’s own symphony that refreshes soil & soul.

The tweeting birds as the first beam of sunlight hit the day.
The tranquil nights illuminated by the starry sky.
The loud celebrations at the house, the night before their daughter’s wedding,
The crappy yet sweet chorus birthday song in the hostel at 12 am.
The noisy horns at traffic, as the light turns green & everyone is in rush.

The first cry of a newborn, on my postings at labor ward
And the mellifluous voice of my mom whom I miss the most.
I found it all in the whispers of his vociferous words,
The man with an enlightening sound.
And, when he told, “ I am your inner voice”
I took my pen and wrote on.

Some sounds are like that
It may be only a ring,
but it contains, billions of promises.

[Inspired by-

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