Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Poems that make no sense, I use to come across such ones. Sometimes I don’t get a damn thing or I get what's on its skin but not what's inside. But its when I started writing I understood that there are two kinds of poem, one that makes sense to everyone, another that makes sense to just two people; one who wrote it & one whom its written about. I could say this is the second kind.

A little birdie lost in storm & dark in a rainy night
Far from her mate, flew around in fright.

Met a tree in the dark when lightning lit the sky
Wet, tired and afraid birdie flew to the strange tree

The tree kept her safe and fed her his fruits.
He offered her to nest on his 100s of branches

There were un-nested nests on each branch
yet he asked her to build a new from twig by twig

On his heart trunk, she built her nest with bits of him
Where she came for a shelter and found home.

They warmed each other in the cold winter
They dried each other in the rains

From his clapping branches to her chirrups
To their silence that sang them to sleep

The once caged bird and the deep-rooted tree
They lived a life they could only dream,

He narrated his stories of storms he faced
he showed her his scars and tales of the unused nests

She told him all her dreams she hid in herself
She sang of her love for him in her songs

It was spring in their lives and hearts
Until the summer hit his land

With drought and scarcity, his leaves dried
He could no longer support the little birdie

He asked her to fly off to save her for a while
While he’ll try to survive his ordeals

Days pass by while he fights each day; to live another
He used to miss the birdie’s presence from his root to top

But he had his share of fights to fight in his life
Yet he wished her presence to smooth his pains

He uses to see her flying with her folks in the sky
She even flies around him and gets back with her pack

He uses to clap his branches but she was too far to hear
He uses shed his leaves, but she was too far to see

One day he heard her singing about her love
His heart filled with joy, to know she still remembers

But it took a while to for him to know the truth
It was for love but was for her mate

The tree who lived many lives in his young age was yet hurt
The nests left in his branches reminded him that it will heal

The birdie use to visit in a while, she had grown up
The nest didn’t fit anymore, she was too silent

She told the tree she experiences and thoughts
About other birds who fly, who are non-rigid & free

He told that her that he held too many weight in his trunks
That his roots are now weak to stand on his ground

She told him that he’s too rigid and too strange
She asked him to forget the weight and roots, just live.

One day she flew moved on and he never saw her again
He stood there with hope to forget, yet rooted he grew

With a hole in his heart trunk with a lonely nest he lived
Birds came and lived on him, but he never cared for none again

One day the birdie with her mate flew by his land but got lost
Coz the once proud tree that stood tall was not seen anywhere

She flew around and found a man penning down something
She enquired him about the tree that lived here.

He told the tale of the tree that he met,
Who was uprooted in a storm not long ago

Before he was cut down to pieces for wood
he asked to make paper out of his heart trunk.

the tree then narrated a story of his love
Asked to pen it in paper made from him.

The man read out the story to the little birdie.
the 100 nests and yet just 1 in my heart


“In the end, we all just want someone that chooses us..
Over everyone else, under any circumstances”
I saw this quote in friends WhatsApp status and I felt it to the core, coz that’s what I have always been looking for. But every time when I felt that I found them, I get disappointed in the end. I think its too hard or it's nearly impossible to find such bonds. Forget the romantic one, its more like a deal, ones you are in relationship its like mandatory rule to make them your first priority, no matter if u earned it or not. Am talking about pure friendship, that was made brick by brick into a fort of trust.
I think I felt such bonds with a few, but it didn’t last so I suppose it wasn’t the real ones. Coz the real ones are meant to last till the end right, they aren’t supposed to break with someone’s mood-swings or someone else’s arrival or any such petty issues. Some people make such bonds to gain something like from resources to even emotional support & they leave when the got what they want or when they don’t need it anymore. Some make such bonds in the absence of someone, to fill their gap when they return, they quietly leave. But I don’t mind, at least I have been helpful for them for a while and now am used to this temporary bonds quite well. I cant tell that I love them the most, but I always love them as much as I can, it might not be everything they need, but its everything I got
"love, lose,live & repeat

-dedicated to all those who flew away.